Monday, September 21, 2015

Innovation…do you truly embrace it?

Innovation is a huge buzz word in the world of global business practices. The word has even become part of Fortune 100 company’s logos or marketing campaigns. It’s a great word that can portend success for those willing to truly embrace and adopt the concept. But just because one talks about innovation, does not make one innovative.

When it comes to day-to-day business practices, which leaders truly accept and incorporate “innovation?” In order to harness the power of innovation; innovative thoughts, innovative processes, innovative products, one must first be willing to take a risk and do what no one else is doing. This takes more courage and more authority than the average employee possesses. If I take a risk and use a non-traditional product (with great potential) what happens to me or my department if the results are not immediately transparent or measurable? If an employee fears trying something unique and innovative, it simply will not happen. Without the blessing and commitment of C-suite management to innovation, the concept is more of a talking point than an action item.

I would respond by stating that just doing what is considered “the norm” or what others in your field are traditionally doing, while yielding consistent results, will generally miss the “out of the park” home run that a non-traditional unique solution might offer. No risk, no reward.

So while volumes have been written about innovation, the reality is that global business tends to operate in a safety zone (minimizing risk) and generally eschews the true visionary risk takers that support or create innovation. Which brings up the interesting point…working in emerging markets is anything but “normal.” We take advantage of unusual markets that can produce a larger return on investment (more risk more reward). Isn’t this a perfect place to integrate the non-typical solution called innovation?

At GT Associates nothing we do is ordinary.

Monday, September 14, 2015

HR…Have You Earned a Seat at the Table?

"I don’t want your bull@%! theory. Show me how you can make my department better. I need for you to deliver results that matter to the business." These comments in a first meeting with an Operations Executive certainly garnered my attention.

The reality is…these comment are spot on
Theory doesn’t blend well with metrics and bottom-line business results. The conversation about HR having a “seat at the table” is old news. The door is open and select Human Resources functions have their seat; increasingly ones being populated by HR Business Partners who are fully aligned with business units.

But for many organizations that have filled these roles with HR generalists, long on specific skills in the HR function, but short on experience in other critical areas of the business, these partnerships are proving frustrating for both sides.

HR’s traditional choices of off-the-shelf solutions (people and processes) have worked, so why not continue, is the thinking of many.

Why Many OTS Solutions Don’t Work
Innovation matters to a company’s bottom line. Innovative solutions to fast and ever-emerging challenges result in profit, improved systems, and truly engaged and retained talent.

Cookie-cutter designs and solutions don’t work for companies that are industry leaders. They are safe. They are the status quo. And they do deliver results, but not at the high degree of return of top risk-takers and innovators.

What’s your company’s design? Do you play it safe or do you have business-focused results that earn a respected seat at the table?”

At GT Associates nothing we do is ordinary.